Witchcratf 101: Quick coffee spells for witches on the go

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I live off coffee. Like, if I needed to do a blood test it would be Dark Roast.

So how do you combine your love of all things witchy with your chemical dependecy on caffeine?

Herbs and Spices!

If you’re thinking I’m crazy, just remembe that a Pumpkin Spice Latte is a thing and people are crazy for it.

The actual point I’m making though is that a good way to start learning how to use herbs in witchcraft is to start small and focus on just a few before you dive right in. And a great way to start small is just the herbs you use regulary or the ones already sitting in your cabinet. Cooking is a great way to learn to!

But we’re going to focus on what you can add to your coffee first, because coffee is many peoples’ first thing they have in the day. So here’s a list of some of the more common herbs you probably have in your spice rack right now (unless you’re a poor college kid, but that’s okay).

  • Basil – use in soells to attract love and luck in journeys
  • Cinnamon – abundance and wealth, as well as can be used for healing and cleansing as incense
  • Cloves – protection, money, luck, strengthen friendships
  • Fennel – focus, as well as protection from outside interfereance
  • Garlic – OMG SO MUCH! warding, protection, strengthens other energies, luck
  • Ginger – Speeds things up
  • Lemon – purifying and cleansing
  • Mint – warding, protection, build personal strength,
  • Nutmeg – can enhace clairvoyance when added to beverages, money drawing spells
  • Oregano – happiness, health, luck, protection
  • Parsley – when eating can increase strength and passion (used in incense to commune with the dead)
  • Rosemary – enhance memory, fidelity
  • SAGE – the big cleaner! you know, sage your space and such
  • Sugar – attraction (used with other herbs for purpose)
  • Thyme – spells for strength and courage

Now everything I listed isn’t exactly something you want to put in your morning coffee. I don’t think there’s anyone out there who wants to drink some garlic in their mocha latte. But there’s still a lot we can work with to add to our coffee to give ourselves a tasy morning kickstart. So here are some of my favorite little coffee add-ins to make every morning more magical.

Simple Cinnamon Coffee

Used to attract money and abundance.

With your coffee, before pouring the coffee, add sugar and cinnamon to taste (however much you would like or your cup can handle). Pour your coffee and meditate for a moment, giving your coffee the intention of attracting wealth and abundance to you. Doctor with creamer or milk and down the hatch.

Better than a PSL coffee

This one you will need cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, and ginger. (I like the way allspice tastes better than cloves in the whole mix).

Used to quickly draw money and wealth.

In your cup, before the coffee, add two shakes of ground cinnamon, 1 shake each of ground allspice, ginger, and nutmeg. Add a bit of sugar to taste (before or after coffee, which ever you prefer). After you add the coffee and any creamer, if you like, take a moment to stir clockwise (attracts) and meditate on attracting wealth into your life.

Feel free to tweak and experiment! Find what works for you! Maybe you’ll find a crazy combination that does taste good and works well. If you have a special recipe you use, comment below so we all can try it!

One response to “Witchcratf 101: Quick coffee spells for witches on the go”

  1. Luna Livingston Avatar

    Love this! Thank you.

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